Title: Illuminate From Within

Size: 12 x 12 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

Price: $400 (plus tax)


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"Illuminate from Within" is a captivating piece of art that delves into the introspective journey of self-discovery and empowerment. At first glance, viewers may perceive a sense of smallness, mirrored by the size of the artwork, but within this perceived smallness lies a powerful message of inner illumination.

The central motif of pearlescent paint symbolizes the inherent light that resides within each individual, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced. This luminescent core serves as a beacon of hope and potential, radiating warmth and vitality.Contrasted against this luminosity are darker, more tumultuous shapes and colors that represent the obstacles and doubts that often cloud one's path to self-realization. These elements speak to the inner conflicts and hesitations that can obscure the brilliance of one's true essence.

Yet, despite the challenges presented, "Illuminate from Within" encourages viewers to delve deep within themselves to unearth their inner light. It serves as a reminder that each individual possesses a unique and invaluable radiance that deserves to be nurtured and shared with the world. Ultimately, the artwork inspires a sense of empowerment and resilience, urging viewers to embrace their light and shine brightly for all to see.

  • Only one that exists in the world

  • Can be shipped to any door you want as long as you’re willing to pay for it

  • It will make your other walls jealous