Title: The Sunlight’s Touch

Size: 12 x 12 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

Price: $400 (plus tax)


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"The Sunlight's Touch" invites viewers to close their eyes and immerse themselves in the sensation of sunlight breaking through clouds, warming their face, and eliciting a heartfelt smile. This small yet powerful artwork exudes metallic hues of pearl and gold, reminiscent of the sun's radiant rays. Beyond its aesthetic beauty, the piece serves as a metaphor for the light we can bring into others' lives. Just as the sun touches everything it shines upon, we too have the capacity to illuminate the world with kindness, generosity, and thoughtfulness.

"The Sunlight's Touch" encourages viewers to embrace their ability to be a beacon of positivity and warmth in the lives of those around them.Through its evocative imagery and underlying message, this artwork serves as a gentle reminder of the transformative power of light—both literal and metaphorical. It prompts individuals to step out into the world and embody the qualities that can uplift and inspire others, ultimately fostering a ripple effect of goodwill and compassion.

  • Only one that exists in the world

  • Can be shipped to any door you want as long as you’re willing to pay for it

  • It will make your other walls jealous