Title: DONNA - When The World Gets Small, Nature Lets Us Live Large

Size: 40 x 40 inches

Acrylic in Canvas



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A Note From the Artist

When the world gets small, nature lets us live large.

Being outside, near the water and amongst the trees has always been where I am most happy. The invigoration, calm, peacefulness, and vitality that nature has the ability to provide is unlike any other energy. Magic happens when you are surrounded by the outdoors and I think a lot of us reunited with nature as a way to manage the last year and a half. 

Like so many, I took pride and found healing on my daily walks. I was able to quell my anxieties of the doom and gloom that surrounded the news cycles and explored my neighbourhood for the millionth day in a row. With more time available, I was able to regularly walk with my best friend and reconnect on a level that surprised me because we have been best friends for 33 years. With a freer schedule I was able to give myself the time I deserved to be active and as a result I am happier with and kinder to my physical self. 

I truly hope this redefined and intensified relationship with nature is one of those things that never goes away as we move forward post pandemic. Nature has so much to teach us, it would be a shame to not let it gives us all the wonderful things it has to offer.

Who’s coming for a walk with me tomorrow? 

  • There’s nothing like it in the whole world

  • It’ll make your other walls jealous

  • It can be shipped to you anywhere in the world (as long as you’re willing to pay for it)