Title: My Weirdness Is Wonderful

Size: 40 x 60 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

Price: $3600

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Abstract art is weird. It’s a bunch of brush strokes, layers, shapes and colours that don’t really look like anything and you are expected to deduce a meaning. The way I sometimes have a lisp and talk in a Cartman voice from the South Park tv show is weird. The way my husband perseverates for days on the fact he could have saved three dollars if we had used the Petro Canada instead of the Esso gas station is weird. 

We are all weird! It’s just a fact of life and it should be celebrated, rather than looked down on.

These weirdness-es that we have are what make people fall in love with us, become our best friends, and have stories written about. All these little imperfections, nuances, quirks and eccentricities are what make us wonderfully unique.

Don’t hide in the dark because you like something different. Shine brightly and find people that share the same love. Don’t forget to tell a funny story because you think someone might laugh at you rather than with you. Regale your encounter and relive the moment that made you smile. Don’t make yourself small because you are afraid someone might think you are different. Stand tall and revel in all that is you. 

Be your weird and wonderful self and do it proudly. 

  • Only one that exists in the world

  • Can be shipped to any door you want as long as you’re willing to pay for it

  • It will make your other walls jealous