Title: Quiet Contemplation

Size: 18 x 36 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

Price: $1200 (plus tax)

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Enveloped in the serene chaos of textured mauves, navy blues, and misty whites, this piece invites viewers to the stormy precipice of a water's edge. The tumultuous hues blend and clash, mirroring the conflicting waves of life. Amidst the tumult, the artwork conveys a profound message about the significance of pausing to contemplate and reflect. The intricate layers of texture resemble the complexities of thought, inviting observers to lose themselves in its depths.

As one gazes upon the artwork, the stormy tones evoke the turmoil and challenges one faces. Yet, amidst the tempest, the soft whites provide moments of respite, symbolizing the importance of finding tranquility within chaos. The artwork encourages viewers to embrace the storm within and around them, acknowledging that moments of introspection grant clarity and strength. Just as the mauve and navy swirl, so too do the waters of the mind, reminding us to find solace and understanding in contemplative stillness.

  • Only one that exists in the world

  • Can be shipped to any door you want as long as you’re willing to pay for it

  • It will make your other walls jealous