Title: Thea

Size: 60 x 36 inches

Acrylic in Canvas

$3000 (plus tax)


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A Note From the Artist

Will we lose sight of our new found connection?

A lot of us have gotten used to taking things slowly. We have learned to enjoy this change of pace and can see the importance of taking the time to connect and be present. A lot of people have a small fear that once we are allowed to resume a “normal life,” people will rush to make up for lost time, get caught up and lose sight of what is really important - staying connected.

Oddly, this forced time a part made us realize how important it is to truly and authentically connect. It’s not about going to your fourth holiday party and having superficial chat with random people you see once a year or forcing your kid to have a play date with the girl down the street because they had them over last week.

It’s all about the moments were we laugh at our 70 year old parents as they struggle to log onto a zoom call even though they’ve done it 50 times before. It’s about sharing a meal with anyone you consider as family and reminiscing about the time you did x, y and or z. And it’s definitely about recognizing that this last year and a half gave us a truly tremendous gift: that we all need human connection.

Let’s move forward and not loose sight of this new found connection. Now that we can, make that plan with your best friend or partner and really revel in this gift we have been given.  

  • There’s nothing like it in the whole world

  • It’ll make your other walls jealous

  • It can be shipped to you anywhere in the world (as long as you’re willing to pay for it)