Painting #3

Titled: ACCEPT

Acrylic in Canvas

60 x 40 inches


Painting #3 Accept - Vancouver abstract painter, Donna Giraud has eleven new available artworks for sale in her 2020 solo art exhibition titled, Lost and Found. Her large scale, abstract, textural artworks are perfect for any interior design aesthet…

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For some reason, we’ve been conditioned to fear change, to fear the unknown, to fear what we can’t grasp between our fingers and concretely understand. So then whenever we can’t perfectly label what’s going on in our lives, we feel lost. And we get anxious.

But being lost isn’t a bad thing, and it isn’t like we’re going to forever stay in this state. When we’re feeling lost, it’s merely because something has happened in our lives that we didn’t necessarily expect, or didn’t really prepare for. It might be something bad, it might actually be something good in disguise, but regardless we’re hesitant.

But being lost really means we’re in transit—we’re undergoing these weird, foreign, frightening changes in our lives and we are facing them head on. We’re moving from where we were to an eventual place of where we will soon be.

We’re not lost, we’re just moving. We’re heading in a new direction, we’re rediscovering who we are in the wake of tragedy or change. We’re becoming. We’re growing. We’re moving along this crazy life path and one day it won’t feel like we’re stumbling around. One day things will fall into place. And we’ll feel found.

Until then, stand tall in your unique personal power, and accept that all will be revealed to you when the timing is right.

  • There’s nothing like it in the whole world

  • It’ll make your other walls jealous

  • It can be shipped to you anywhere in the world (as long as you’re willing to pay for it)